While there are ways to make running a team sport, such as relays, track meets, and cross-country teams, it is still by its very nature an individual sport.
To me that means that I am responsible for what goes into my running, and I get all the benefits of what comes out. I can't go out and run awesome and feel great if I don't put in the time to train and practice.
Another similar individual sport is golf. The thing I like about golf is that if you put in hard work, you will see results. While you may have good days and bad days, if you are a beginning golfer you aren't going to go out and shoot under par on 18 holes, because there is not that much luck involved. You need to be a skilled golfer to do that. This is the same for a beginning runner, you will not go out run 6 minute pace in your first 5k. You have to train and improve your skill to reach that level, you don't just get there from being lucky.
The one thing luck can give you is people that positively influence you, or train with you as a partner or team. Even then, it is ultimately up to you to put in the practice and training necessary for you to improve. And when you do improve or achieve your goal, it is OK to feel good about it. It isn't selfish to feel good about your accomplishments. That good feeling is the motivation to put in the effort to get there in the first place.
So go out there, put in the work, get the results, and feel good about it.